Your rights when living together

A common law husband or wife is a myth.  If you and your partner are not married or in a civil partnership you might be surprised to learn that you have very little, if any, legal protection if your relationship breaks down.  It does not matter how long you may have lived together or whether…

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In these difficult economic times, unfortunately there is yet another cost increase; this time in terms of Court fees. The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) confirmed that it will proceed with increases of 10% to 172 of the 202 fees originally proposed in consultation.  These will come into force as from 1st  May 2024. The MOJ…

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After a very wet March, lots of people are now looking to book their summer holidays and we thought it might therefore be useful to provide answers to some questions we often receive from parents following divorce/relationship breakdown in terms of what they can and cannot do. Do I need permission from my ex-partner to…

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What is a Finding of Fact Hearing?

If you are involved in an application to the Court in respect of your children, you may be faced with the Court listing the matter for what is known as a Fact Finding Hearing.  This is a type of Court Hearing in which evidence surrounding allegations is considered and the Court decides whether or not…

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Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Martin Lewis, the money saving expert has recently reiterated the importance of making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and we thought it would be helpful to recap how a Power of Attorney works and why it is important. It is important to distinguish between making a Will which deals with your money and assets…

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